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Natalya Simakova is an actress and a singer, an art-person with unpredictable behavior, constantly looking for new roles. If she didn’t exist, you wouldn’t be able to imagine a person like her. She’s the only one, like an ocean, outer space, a comet. The comet came from Siberia in 1996, graduated from the faculty of Acting and Directing at Vakhtangov theatre academy. Her range of roles is enormous, from art-house to classical theatre roles. She has performed more than 50 roles in theatre and cinema, from the classics of soviet art-house “Poisons” and “Down House” to mainstream “Stonehead” and “Dream on”. At the same time she played in Vakhtangov’s Theatre in such plays as “Three sisters”, “The Quiet Don”, “Mother Kuraj and her children”. Along with work in the theatre and cinema, Simakova is engaged in work on television, being an actor and the host of the “ProDesign” on the NTV channel. In addition, she collaborates with leading Russian fashion brends like Terehov, Arsenicum, Konstantin Gayday., makes performances and closed premium-class parties all over the world: New-York, London, Paris, Cannes, Monaco. Natalya confesses that music got her unexpectedly – lyrics, melodies, ideas gushed on her out of the blue just by themselves, so she got into rock’n’roll. In 2007 she gathers the first cast of the “Siberia” band. The debute single “Chocolate” is rotated actively on Maximum, Europa Plus, Next FM and Radio Jazz stations. In 2009 the debute “STORM” album is brought out under the Machete Records label. Siberia performs on the best stages of Moscow – from 16 Tons, B1 and Strelka to Simachev, Soho Rooms, etc. The group quickly gets international admiration and performs its sets at the party on the closing of Moscow Film Festival, at the “Vanity Fair” in Cannes, takes part in the “Russian Winter” festival in London. They appear on New York Fashion Week, ArtBasel and Brooklyn rock-festival. In 2011 Machete Records organizes an international rock festival in Sochi, called Red Rocks, where Siberia plays together with Hercules and Love Affari and The Kills. In 2010 Siberia is noticed by the Passion Agence, NY, which works with a world-known brand Interscope Records and organizes Siberia’s tour across the USA and Canada: California, San-Francisco, Chicago, New York, Washington, Toronto, Vancouver etc. In 2011 the second album is recorded in the Avatar studio, which previously worked with U2, Avril Lavigne, Kings of Leon. Charly Castle, famous for his work with Matisyahu, is the sound-producer of the album. There, in New York, Don’t Cry, Baby video is shooted, later remixed by Andy Butler (Hercules and Love Affair) and Telepopmusic is making a remix of the Train track. Natalya Simakova is compared to Courtney Love, the Rollin Stone magazine calls her the new-generation rock-diva, Alan McGee, the producer of Oasis compares her to PJ Harvey. American producers call her Patty Smith, just off the Woodstock stage. Natalya Simakova is unique, unpredictable, sincere. …What else? The official second album “Elephant” release in Russia will be in February, 2012 Ссылка на эту страницу. .
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