
death metallovecraftTechnical Death Metal


Vladimir Dolgushin, (Philosopher), started in 15 years, completely alone. He started with an acoustic guitar and confused this tutorial, then enrolled at the university and moved to Moscow, where in a group TetraCora being played guitar and performed for several years (in 2013 TetraCora performed the opening act for Trivium in Moscow), simultaneously studied at various reputable guitarists, from Edward Sharonov (ex-Artery project Soprano 10 Turkish), and ending May Lian'om. Just talked-session and took part in the Group Kupriyanov and D.I.V.A. In 2014, I decided to draw some conclusions of your own creation (10 years), and raised his old and new developments, recorded the album "Draft", which brought as yourself, as The basic idea of ​​this project - the full independence of creativity. So for several years participated in various guitar competitions. The "Philosopher" is a music label: "Kromski music distribution Co" Ссылка на эту страницу. .
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