


.. 2006 - 2010 .. This note represents a public affirmation of a sad fact which we in Cheyenne have for some time known, if not acknowledged outright: Cheyenne is no longer a band. .. Our dissolution has not been the result of any animosity between us. Quite the opposite, we in Cheyenne have, over the course of our four years together, become sincere friends and dear companions. Our gratefulness for this fact extends far beyond our ability to convey its depth of truth. .. Unfortunately, our respective lives have pulled us in distinctly different directions. .. Some of you may recall that, last July, Cheyenne traveled to Los Angeles to record a full-length album. Despite multiple salvage attempts, this album has been scrapped; technical difficulties have made its release impossible. .. More than anything, we regret having never been able to share these songs with you, either live or in recorded form. .. At this time, there is no plan for a final show. The vast distances that now separate us—both across the country and within Washington State—have all but ruled out this possibility. .. We want to thank each person who has listened to us, come to our shows, bought our merchandise, booked us, helped us on the road, and supported us over the years. To each of you, we say this: You are what we have lived for as a band, and you have been as much a part of this journey as we have. Thank you, too, to the people who have opened our eyes to new ways of thinking, and who have dared us to think differently about ourselves and our art. .. Sometimes, all any of us can do in this world is stay true to ourselves and to those things we feel most passionately about. This, more than anything else, is what being a part of Cheyenne has meant to us. So, to those of you who have stood for what you feel is right and just in this world, you have our unending admiration. .. WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY. .. A special thank-you is due to I Declare War, to whom we owe so much. To them and to everyone else who has touched and helped us out in this venture: Thank you; we love all of you. .. ~Free Leonard Ссылка на эту страницу. .
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