


Существует, как минимум, две группы с таким названием: 1. CHEMISTRY is a Japanese popular music R&B duo composed of Dochin Yoshikuni (堂珍嘉邦, born 17 November 1978) and Kawabata Kaname (川畑要, born 28 January 1979). They were the winners of the ASAYAN audition(Similar to idol series) in 2000 (by Sony Music Japan). Their first single “PIECES OF A DREAM” debuted on March 3, 2001, winning the best selling single in the same year (over 2 millions). Most of the singles released reached No.1 in Oricon chart in Japan; and all 5 albums reached No. 1 in the Chart on the same day when they were released. Their #1 streak was taken off by the Kinki Kids’ ‘H’ album, scoring them a #2 rank for FO(u)R. Their (arguably) most famous single among non-Japanese fans, “Wings of Words” was the fourth and final opening theme for Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. CHEMISTRY is also known in Korea for the popular collaboration song ‘Let’s Get Together Now’ featuring talents from both Korea and Japan and hooking up with Korean ballad singer Lena Park who appears in the b-side ‘Dance with Me’ in the Wings of Words single. 2. Chemistry заявили о себе в 2010 году, сначала клипом на мелодичную рок композицию "Precious Time", о чем тут же написали в обзоре музыкальных клипов в российской интернет версии знаменитого журнала Interview, а потом и клипом на успокаивающую, вводящую в легкий транс песню "Swimming With The Sharks", в съемках которого приняли участие наши театральные и кино актеры. Оба эти клипа до сих пор находятся в ротации программы "Хипстарама" на "1-м музыкальном" канале. В течение 5 лет после выхода первого клипа, группа не давала концертов, фронтвуман группы, в прошлом известный клубный промоутер - Юля Юденич тщательно подбирала музыкантов для постоянного концертного состава. На момент первого концерта, в сентябре 2015 года, Юлей, совместно с разными музыкантами было написано 12 песен, половина из которых была создана на пару с Дмитрием Журавлевым, барабанщиком легендарной группы Альянс! Получилась разнообразная программа, в которую вошли романтические баллады и танцевальные композиции в разных стилях. Поп-рок, брит-поп, диско и трип-хоп гармонично в разных сочетаниях или отдельно оказались в песнях группы! “Если говорить об ориентирах, на нас повлияли нами любимые The Strokes, Massive Attack, Keane, The Cure и даже Pet Shop Boys и Junior Boys, в наших головах все это давно перемешано в большой сумасшедший коктейль в который мы добавили нечто свое личное, и так родились песни Chemistry” – говорит Юля. Chemistry first presented themselves in 2010 with a music video for a melodic rock song "Precious Time", which was positively reviewed by Interview Russia, a famous online magazine. The second release was a music video for "Swimming With The Sharks", starring many Moscow theatre and cinema actors. Both videos are still in rotation on the 1st Musical Channel's Hipstorama show. During the next 5 years after the first music video Chemistry didn't do any live shows. Yulya Yudenich, frontwoman of the band and also formerly known as a club promoter, was carefully looking for musicians to join the band. By the time of the first live show in September 2015, Yulya wrote 12 songs together with various musicians. Half of them were created with Dmitry Zhuravlev, drummer of the legendary band The Alliance. The result is a diverse program combining romantic ballads and dance songs in various styles – pop-rock, brit-pop, disco and trip-hop. "If we talk about benchmarks, we were inspired by our favourite bands – The Strokes, Massive Attack, Keane, The Cure or even Pet Shop Boys and Junior Boys. All of them blended into a crazy musical cocktail, to which we've added something personal from ourselves, and that's what Chemistry songs are" – says Yulya. Ссылка на эту страницу. .
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