
Progressive rockgoaGoa Trance


Although I’d probably tend to cite Voivod as my favourite Canadian band, this country has a proud legacy of warm, melodic prog rock, both from the mainstream and underground circles. In this sense, Innerspace does not surprise me too much. Of course, a band’s sound and style are not necessarily dictated by their region, but I’ve heard some great artists from the East recently (Druckfarben and Ken Baird, to name a couple) that remind me somewhat of what this Quebecois band are up to. “The Village” is their grand introduction to the world, and they have instantly tread into some fairly deep, ambitious waters with it. Although Innerspace’s laid back, dreamlike approach to melodic rock can at times feel overdone, it’s a promising start for a band I think we’ll be hearing great things from in the future. I don’t think I’m alone as a listener when I cite Pink Floyd as a reference point. Everything from Phil Burton’s rich vocal tone to Paul Aubry’s spacey keyboards and Thomas Sauvé’s cinematic rhythms gives the impression of something Roger Waters may have secretly been a part of. Although most Floyd-inspired bands sport their influence most through the guitar, Simon Arsenault’s lead style betrays a metal influence that doesn’t feel so much shared by the rest of the band. Listeners should still keep their ear out for a few Gilmour- esque solos, however. Especially considering their relatively young ages, Innerspace are capable performers. Paul Aubry’s contribution here may be the most subtle, but it is the most enjoyable and interesting for me- his textures always seem to work for the mood of the given song. For a debut record, the production is fairly impressive; the atmosphere is warm and Phil’s vocals sound full and clean. Unfortunately, the rhythm guitars tend to feel pretty dead in the water productionwise- it doesn’t sound entirely ‘off’, but the more distorted side of the rhythm spectrum does not bode well for the band’s recording style. August 17, 2012 by Conor Fynes Filed under Reviews Ссылка на эту страницу. .
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