


ENDGAME is a New Jersey based hardcore band playing in the vein of Dag Nasty. In 2004, they self released a demo that quickly went through the initial 1000 piece run. The drummer, Paul, is also the drummer of Between The Wars (Think Fast! Records) and the bass player, George, was in Words Away (Boss Tunage / Faction Zero Records) and professionally rides BMX for Animal Bikes and Redbull energy drinks. In 2004, they were also featured on “Punk The Clock” CD compilation with Yellowcard, Taking Back Sunday and Fallout Boy and have even had songs featured on FUSE TV. After releasing a split LP with Monument and a live CD, they have a new EP for fans of Rites of Spring, Turning Point and Lifetime. Endgame has sadly decided to call it quits as of early 2008. Ссылка на эту страницу. .
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