death metalgrindcoregoregrind


существует несколько групп с таким названием. 1) Жанр: Noise Rock / Hardcore Punk Страна: Australia 2) Жанр: Post-Punk / Noise / Acid / Cold Wave Страна: France, Rennes 3) DEAD was founded in Nuremberg by Dany R. (g/v), Uwe S. (w/v) and Peter K. (d/v) as a pure gore-grind band early May 1990. Musical role models were particularly Carcass, Pungent Stench, and Autopsy. After the publication of the first demo in 1991, the band got immediately signed at "Poserslaughter Records" (Berlin) who released the first 7’’ EP within the same year. A split-CD and the first two full-length albums followed later on in continued cooperation. As DEAD was not contractually bound to this label, further 7 "and split 7" EP's were simultaneously also released by other underground record companies. Since the second EP "Slaves to abysmal perversity", the band changed their textual orientation. Gore lyrics were now completely replaced by pornographic contents - filled with black, nasty/filthy humour. (According to Wikipedia, DEAD is entitled “as the initiator of the so-called Porngrind”) After the appearance on the “Fuck the Commerce 2"-festival, DEAD disbanded in May 1998 due to the quit of Peter K. 3 years passed and in 2001 they started to rehearsal once again their old material for just one single gig ( under the pseudonym “Les Stars Du Rock Porno” ) before they decided to revive DEAD in 2004, by a new signing at the Japanese label “Obliteration Records" - who also organised the first mini-tour in Japan in the same year. Peter K. left the band one year later once again and was immediately replaced by Ali A. (drums for MAGGOT SHOES) as a new permanent band member. In 2005 a second tour in Japan followed, next to important appearances at e.g. the Party-San-, Obscene Extreme Festival, and the "Maryland Death Fest" in the United States. Towards the end of 2008, Uwe decided to leave the band due to differing personal interests. But as the two remaining members had a suitable successor just available (Volker E.), the exchange proceeded without neither problems nor delays. DEAD signed recently at "War Anthem Records" for the next album “In the bondage of vice” (06/2009) DEAD = 100 % Sleaze Grind !!!! Ссылка на эту страницу. .
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