
deathcoreTechnical Deathcoredeath metal

Биография ALIGHIERI was formed in late 2006 by founding members of the metal act Regrets of a Tiffany Gun. The original lineup consisted of Joe Flores on vocals, Brandon Michael on guitar, and Stephen Karney on drums. Soon after its formation, the band recorded its first song entitled, "Atlas Mourned". The song was intended to be released as a promotional track for an upcoming album and despite its low production value, succeeded in generating local buzz for the young band. As local interest for the band increased, ALIGHIERI agreed to enter the studio once again to record their four song EP, "Serving the Recession". The EP (recorded by Josh Williams at Metal Works Studio in Folsom, CA) demonstrated a rough combination of Metalcore and Death Metal influence as well as traces of Thrash and Fusion. At this point, the band had generated enough support and momentum to begin playing shows, however, their lineup remained incomplete. Since the bass guitar had been Brandon Michael's primary instrument for years, it was decided to search for a guitar player as ALIGHIERI's fourth member. After an impressive audition via Youtube, Adam Reese was added to the band as their permanent guitar player. Unfortunately, after only a few rehearsals with their new member, drummer Stephen Karney stepped away from ALIGHIERI due to personal differences. The band was halted for nearly a year until former Regrets of a Tiffany Gun drummer Mitchell Sudduth was chosen as ALIGHIERI's new drummer. After a brief stint of shows, the band hit the studio a third time (again with Josh at Metal Works) to record a new promotional track entitled, "Singularity". The song represented a new direction for the band as well as showcasing its two new members, Adam Reese and Mitchell Sudduth. The song proved to be a successful step for the band's popularity and allowed them to aquire larger shows with bigger bands. Taylor Porecca was then added to the roster to complete the band's lineup as their second guitar player. However, various internal issues took shape and in late 2008, ALIGHIERI parted ways with drummer Mitchell Sudduth. Due to their increase in popularity and determination to avoid hiatus, ALIGHIERI's current guitar player Adam Reese was elected to fill the drummer position. He began relentlessly practicing and researching his new instrument to bring him up to speed with the rest of the band. Shortly after, the band parted ways with second guitarist Taylor Porreca and ALIGHIERI was back at square one. 2009 was a new beginning for the band. ALIGHIERI relied heavily on its remaining members Joe Flores, Brandon Michael, and Adam Reese. It was then decided that Adam would remain on drums and Brandon would jump back on guitar, the instrument he initially played when forming ALIGHIERI. The band then seeked the aid of former Beaches of Normandy bassist, Brandon Stewart. ALIGHIERI played their first show of 2009 in Parlier, CA on February 6th and have been performing live consistently ever since. With the recent addition of former Sagacious Past guitarist Kyle Inouye, the band is equipped with a full lineup and has shared the stage with top acts including Arsonists Get All the Girls, The Number 12 Looks Like You, Winds of Plague, and many more. After nearly a year of performing with ALIGHIERI, Bassist Brandon Stewart and the band went their seperate ways. However, with a new album in the works and a few years of experience under their belts, ALIGHIERI strive to continue making music and performing for both friends and fans alike with the intent to share their music to anyone willing to listen. Ссылка на эту страницу. .
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